2022 Funflys

2022 Funflys
Sunday August 14th and the weather was sunny and warm for the Mission Wings Fun Fly. Pilots meeting was held at 9.30, flying started soon after. A total of thirteen pilots signed the register sheet.
Most of the models were electric power. The rest were glow powered. Helmut K, at 91 years of age, fly’s very well. Most of the choppers were scale and were very realistic. Heli. sport models were flown and could fly inverted and could perhaps have mowed the grass. Larry L and Gord S flew control line craft. Larry’s craft was electric, while Gord flew a P51 Mustang. Will K flew a large ARF. Bruce C flew and his grand children were impressed.
The wind picked up about 1.30. Most of us sat and waited for it to die down. By 3.30 there was no movement by the new wind sock. Flying resumed plus bargaining for some “really good stuff”.
When an item was purchased, the money would be donated to the Canadian Red Cross. Plus, I asked for donations. The whole amount would then be used to assist the Ukrainian refugees.
There was much laughter though out the day. I’m sure Heli pilots got most of the airtime. I managed 3 flights and Helmut the same. Larry L and Gord C had numerous flights, short and long, and together made a good team.
We all went home with a smile on our face.
A pat on the back and a thank you to all who came and donated. The total amount was five hundred dollars ($500). I have since given this amount to the Canadian Red Cross and I was told this amount would be used to assist the Ukrainian refugees.
Paul Bedford. MAAC 13527